
catfish & bikinis.

So today I found myself standing in the middle of an AutoZone half an hour from home praying on the inside, asking on the outside for someone to come help me jump start my car {a GMC, that’ll be important in a second} across the street. 
The sales clerk was very helpful in offering the use of a handy jumper cable gadget thing but said he didn’t have anyone available to actually assist me.
The only other customer in the store?
Angel Joe.
‘I can help you. I work in the service department at the GMC dealership here.’
Don’t you just love it when God answers your prayers right in front of your face?
Turns out Joe wasn’t sure if he was going to stop in AutoZone this afternoon but he did. 
& I know exactly why.
Also turns out that Joe just moved to Salida from Texas two months ago.
I told him I grew up in Fort Worth & how much I miss Texas BBQ.
He told me he misses ‘catfish & bikinis.’
Thank you Lord for a new battery in my car, Angel Joe, Texas BBQ, catfish & bikinis.
That could quite possibly be the funniest prayer I have ever prayed.
Ps. I’ll be baking cookies to drop off at the GMC service department very soon.
Snickerdoodles are my favorite, how about you?


  1. you have a new blog! :) I love that God cares for every detail of our life Clare!

  2. another reminder that I need not worry about stuff... (but I'm so good at worry!)
