
happy life.

Hello hello!
Were you starting to wonder where in the world I’d run off to?
I assure you I did not intend to be gone so long!
Let me just say that life happened & it has been a great reminder to me that sometimes life does that.
You’re cruising along & things are so smooth it’s as if you are in Junior High again at the roller rink & then:
the holidays & all the usual fun & busy they bring + planning & packing for a 4462 mile road trip {16 states, 16 days} + filling orders for 18 encouragement totes + getting oh so sick {this was definitely not on the to do list} + setting out on the epic adventure & realizing you have no plan for blogging while on the road & you also forgot the Christmas stockings = an unintentional break from the blog world.
Please forgive me for not giving you a heads up ahead of time.
But that’s just it isn’t it?
Sometimes we don’t get a warning.
& the older I get the more okay I am with there being another plan.
It has actually freed me up from my tendency to over plan.
I am much more flexible than I used to be, at least on the inside. :)
So it’s good to be here again & thanks for coming back!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you had a wonderful holiday!!!! So glad you're back home safe and sound!
