
beyond good.

I’m thankful for God’s grace that allows me to be transformed each day.
The whole idea of transformation is so interesting to me in so many ways, on so many levels.
I don’t believe it’s something that I can make happen & yet I have to choose daily to abide in Him that He might transform me from within.
Sometimes it really hurts & yet I know enough that the pain leads to something beyond good.
& I absolutely love that this:

can be transformed into this:

I guess you could say I found my elf shoes over the Thanksgiving holiday.
ps. Enjoy the last few moments of November!


  1. Those totes are so cute! I love the fabric you use.

    It is so true that we have to choose daily {sometimes every hour} to abide in Him who transforms us from within to love as He does. And yes, sometimes it hurts, but it is so worth it in the end.

  2. For reals???? Oh my beautiful, inspiring, talented friend!!! Well done!
