
a long way.

I live in the sticks. 
It happens to be an incredibly gorgeous corner of the sticks so we often have visitors from the ‘big city.'
These visitors are so nice & always ask if I need them to bring me anything from the city. 
Most of the time my response is 'one of everything from anthropologie.'
Don't you just love that store?
Some day I hope to be a stock girl there or even better an assistant to the artistic designers that envision 
& bring about what are always incredible displays.
Ostriches made out of book pages? Seriously.
Over the top in such a good way.

& here is yet another reason to love anthropologie.
They are sparkle fans too.
This little gem of a link was in my inbox this morning.
The subject line reads 'a little sparkle goes a long way' & they could not have said it better.
ps. I think if I were to wear the 'Silver Cloud Dress' to my daughter's Christmas program it might be over the top in a bad way but it just might be worth it.
Did I mention I live in the sticks?

share less.

May i start with a small confession?
On more than one occasion since being introduced to the world of Facebook & blogs I have seriously considered designing shirts that simply state,
‘share less.’
Needless to say a bit of a surprise {a true yikes moment!} to find myself here in the public realm of blogging.
I am excited & anxious as I attempt to figure out  how to share just the right amount. 
& given that at some point{s} I will surely fall flat on my face, hopefully it won’t be so bad as to make anyone run away screaming with the urge to design a shirt to send me.
So enough with the rambling & welcome to the sparklestudio blog!
sparklestudio is a tiny company I started with a whole lot of encouragement from people that inspire me.
My  name is Clare, I live in the mountains of Colorado & along with living life with my husband & two girls, I make goodies combining my love of fabric & paper.
A little explanation of the whole ‘sparkle’ thing.
People are like stained glass windows.
They sparkle & shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.  .Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.

I love stained glass windows.
Growing up I spent a lot of time by myself in the sanctuary of a Presbyterian church in downtown Fort Worth, Texas.
My mom volunteered in the library & I would often accompany her to the church.
I’d have the run of the place & after raiding the craft supply closet I’d usually find myself sitting in a pew surrounded by the most beautiful colors streaming through the stained glass windows.
I can still see the colors reflected on the floor, smell the hymnals & feel the stillness all around.
I also love things that sparkle.
& while I'm not one to shy away from a little {or a lot!} of outer bling there is absolutely nothing that makes me sparkle more than when I am living fully out of God’s amazing love & grace for me. 
I guess you could call it my inner sparkle.
& it shines like no other.
I hope you will find this place full of cute, warmth, hope, encouragement, fun & just the right amount of sparkle.
Thanks for stopping by!
ps. If you're already planning on designing that shirt, my favorite color is pink.